Frank O. Byndloss Jr., PsyD.
Adolescent, Adult & Family Psychotherapy
Meet Dr. Byndloss
My path to becoming a therapist has been one that encompassed a myriad of life transitions. The process of growth from athlete to scholar, son to father, friend to husband, and student to teacher, all have influenced my development as a person and a therapist. Along the way there were many voices of support and reflection who helped me endure adversity, navigate transitions and celebrate success. It is my belief that we all need a voice of support and reflection to help navigate life. It is this belief that drives my approach to psychotherapy.
My clinical focus has always been in the realm of life transitions, but I specialize in support and intervention during early adulthood. This is arguably the most difficult and conflict latent time of development. The process of navigating the transition out of childhood and into adulthood is one that tends to cause increased anxiety and depression in adolescent's, but also causes conflict to ripple through the family system. As a therapist, it is my job to guide both the individual and the family systems to navigate challenges.
​My own personal and professional journey has also shaped my scholarly work and research interests. This process has led me to focus on developing an understanding the impact of negative social influences (racism/ discrimination/ cultural norms) on the lives of African American boys and men. This interest has informed my practice and led me to develop a secondary clinical focus in working with African American boys and men. This work is focused on understanding the impact of these unique stressors on the life development, and helping clients develop their own unique sources of resiliency.
Over the course of my career I have worked with many children, adolescents, young adults and families across multiple settings including the foster care and juvenile justice systems. I have intensive experience providing treatment with clients and their families to address difficulties with life transitions, mood disorders, anxiety and trauma.
Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
American School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco Bay Area (08/2015)
WestCoast Children's Clinic (Oakland, CA) Internship/Residency
Licensed Psychologist HSP, #3570
American Psychological Association
Nashville Psychotherapy Institute